Polnep Commemorates the 2024 National Day of Education


by Riszqie Naskiah Naim 4 bulan yang lalu 3 comments 287 views

In order to commemorate the National Education Day 2024 which carried the theme “Moving Forward Together to Continue Freedom to Learn”, Pontianak State Polytechnic (Polnep) held a flag ceremony on Thursday, May 2, 2024, with Director of Polnep Dr. H. Widodo P.S. acted as the ceremonial master. The ceremony was held at the courtyard of Polnep Directorate Building and attended by the entire academic community. On the occasion, Director Widodo P.S. conveyed the remarks of the Minister of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology.
In the remarks, the millennial minister said that a new face of Indonesian education and culture was under way, it is the Freedom to Learn Movement. “We have heard, once more, Indonesian children dare to dream since they feel free when they study at school. We have seen, once more, the teachers dare to try new things since they have the trust to recognize and assess their students. We have witnessed, once more, college students dare to perform and contribute since they are no longer confined to just stay at the campus. We have celebrated, once more, the festivity of creative products since the artists and cultural practitioners are always supported to express their creativity,” Makarim stated in his written remarks.  
He continued his remarks by saying that five years were not a short time to perform his duties to lead the Freedom to Learn Movement, however, it was not either a long period of time to make such a complete transformation. “We are already on the right track, however, it is not finished yet. All that we have conducted must be continued as a continuous movement towards our aspired school system. Happy National Day of Education! Let us work together to enliven and continue the Freedom to Learn Movement,” said Makarim to conclude his written remarks.
During the ceremony, the committee also conducted an announcement on the list of winners who competed in the 37th Polnep’s anniversary competition. Following the prize hand over, Director of Polnep officially closed the Week of Polnep Dies Natalis.
The flag ceremony was closed with souvenir handover to four Polnep employees who entered into retirement, namely Wahyu Widodo, Anna Widjadjanti, Hanizan, and Wandi Rusfiandi; and six employees who would go to Mecca to perform Hajj, namely Baidhillah Riyadhi, Susana, Dedi Herdiansyah, Edi Karyadi, Darsono, and Raihan.

(Translated by: Riszqie Naskiah Na’im)

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