Polnep Conducts Flag Ceremony to Commemorate the 2023 National Heroes Day


by Riszqie Naskiah Naim 9 bulan yang lalu 3 comments 412 views

Director of Pontianak State Polytechnic (Polnep) issued an announcement letter referring to conducting a flag ceremony to commemorate the 2023 National Heroes Day. This letter is in line with the circular letter of the Minister of Social Affairs Republic of Indonesia number: 8929/PL16/TU/2023 dated 30 October 2023 regarding the Guidelines to Conduct the 2023 National Heroes Day Commemoration. The theme of the 78th Heroes Day was “The Spirit of Heroes for the Nation’s Future in Fighting Poverty and Ignorance”.
Polnep held the ceremony to commemorate the 78th National Heroes Day on Friday (10/11) which led by Vice Director for Students and Alumni Affairs Dede Irwan, S.T., M.T. as the inspector of the flag ceremony. The ceremony was held in the courtyard of Polnep’s main building and attended by management, employees, and students.   
Vice Director Dede Irwan read the written speech of the Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini. In the speech, Minister explained why the current year’s theme was taken that it was a result of a deep thought on answering the threat of real modern imperialism, given that Indonesia is a big market and rich in natural resources. “This is the real challenges for next generation on how to manage and utilize Indonesia’s richness for this nation’s glory,” Dede Irwan said reading the message of Minister Tri Risma.
“We will conquer the threats and challenges with the same spirit as exemplified by our heroes on November 10, 1945. It is not easy, but we can do it since our heroes have taught us the values of struggle. If we follow it, undoubtedly we will gain victory,” Dede Irwan said. “Happy the 2023 National Heroes Day. Let us take a moment to pray for our fallen heroes,” he concluded.
On this year’s National Heroes Day flag ceremony, students of Mechanical Engineering Department had the opportunity to become ceremonial officers. The ceremony went smooth and solemnly. On the final session, Vice Director Dede Irwan acted on behalf of Polnep’s Director handed out souvenirs to four employees who have entered their retirement age, namely H. Nurdin;  Mulyansyah; Dwi Wijanarko; and Asori.

(Translated by: Riszqie Naskiah Na’im)

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