34 Students of Architectural Engineering Participate in SketchUp Competence Certification Program


by Riszqie Naskiah Naim 1 tahun yang lalu 0 comments 305 views

Thirty-four students of Diploma 3 on Architecture Study Program of Pontianak State Polytechnic (Polnep) participated in SketchUp User Training and Competence Certification. The training was conducted for three days, on 5-7 July 2023, at Computer Lab 02 and TP 03 in Polnep’s Integrated Building. The training and certification program is a collaboration between Polnep and ACA Pacific as the authorized training center for Trimble SketchUp and official SketchUp certification.
The training consisted of two parts, namely training activity and certification process, and lasted for two days which divided into 6 sessions. Each session was equal to 2 learning hours. With the total of 720 minutes, each participant would learn both theoretical and practical knowledge of SketchUp, followed by taking online examination on the 3rd day to receive international certificate. The certificate is directly issued by SketchUp Authorized Training Center as the acknowledgement for student’s competence to be applied in their professional work.
The training and competence certification program 2023 was chaired by Dewi Ria Indriana, S.T., M.T. The program was also supported by 4 lecturers of Architectural Engineering who were already certified as trainers from ACA Pacific, namely Palupi Ikayanti, S.T., M.T., Andi Zulestari, S.T., M.Sc., Deni Maulana, S.T., M.Sc., and Muhammad Radhi, S.T., M.Sc.
Competence certification is a form of acknowledgment for students of Polnep for having both skills and knowledge in a particular subject. It is also a proof for having work attitude which is in accordance with the required standard competence. Through certification, it is also hoped that it can guarantee the quality and credibility of work performance, especially doing the work in the field of architecture.

(Translated by: Riszqie Naskiah Na’im)

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