by Riszqie Naskiah Naim 2 bulan yang lalu 0 comments 88 views
Accounting Department of Pontianak State Polytechnic held a workshop on How to Make a Scientific Writing for International Level on Tuesday (12/11). The event was conducted at the Accounting Hall. The workshop featured main speaker Iman Harymawan, SE., MBA., Ph.D., the Head of Research Center as well as served as lecturer at the Faculty of Economics and Business, Airlangga University. He is also trusted as the Editor in Chief of Asian Journal of Accounting Research since 2015. The event was participated by all lecturers of Accounting Department and some lecturers from other departments in Polnep. Some officials of Polnep also spotted attending the event, namely vice directors, heads of departments, head of quality assurance and learning development center, and head of research and community service center.
The Head of Accounting Department Dr. Yani Riyani, S.E., M.SA., in her welcoming remarks, said that the activity aimed to motivate lecturers of Polnep to produce scientific writing as well as to highlight the significance of it to them. She highly hoped that the main speaker of the workshop could address the audience about tips and tricks to be successful to publish articles in reputable international journals. She also mentioned that she had big expectation that 15 research results which were funded by Accounting Department in 2024 could succeed to be published in reputable international journals. She added saying that it was essential for lecturers to publish articles in reputable international journal since they had academic responsibilities to do self-development and required by the law regarding their improvement on scientific publicationâs quality.
The event was officially opened by the Vice Director for Academic Affairs and Planning H. Irawan Suharto, S.T., M.T. In his welcoming remarks, he motivated all lecturers to stay productive in doing research as Polnep entered its 37 years of existence. âTo date, as information, we only have 111 documents of research out of 385 lecturers,â he added. He further hoped that the main speaker could share good practices in the workshop that could be implemented by the lecturers. âWe do hope that seven other departments in Polnep could perform the same good practices conducted by Accounting Department,â he said. To conclude his remark, Vice Director Irawan Suharto called all participants to be more productive to make international-scale scientific publication.
(Translated by: Riszqie Naskiah Naâim)
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