by Riszqie Naskiah Naim 2 tahun yang lalu 665 comments 2778 views
Fish Farming Study Program of Pontianak State Polytechnic (Polnep) conducted a community service (PKM) in a form of Entrepreneurship Training of Silver Arowana Fish (Osteoglossum bicirrhosum) Farming at Public Vocational High School 01 (SMKN 01) Sungai Raya which located in Sungai Raya District, Kubu Raya Regency. The community service was conducted on 9 August 2022 and attended by 50 participants which consisted of teachers and students of SMKN 01 Fisheries Agribusiness Program (APi) as well as lecturers and technicians of Polnep Fish Farming Study Program (BDP) and representatives of Polnep Research and Community Service Unit (UPPM). This activity is one of realization of Tri Darma Perguruan Tinggi (Three Pillars of Higher Education).
The community service aimed to improve SMK studentâs motivation towards ornamental fish business, especially silver Arowana (Osteoglossum bicirrhosum). The Head of Polnep PKM Team Agus Setiawan stated that one of promising businesses, currently, is ornamental fish trade. âSilver Arowana fish is one of favorite fish to be developed,â he added. His team consisted of Farid Mudlofar, Sarmila, M. Idham Shilman, Susilawati, Sri Warastuti, Hylda Khairah Putri, M. Taufik, Nurfahma, Dewi Kusumawati, and Agnes Maulidia. Toto Mardianto, a representative of Polnep Research and Community Service Unit (UPPM) was also in attendance.
Moreover, Agus Setiawan explained the scheme of the activity they performed on that day, consisted of introduction to Silver Arowana fish and followed by explanation regarding business opportunities of Arowana fish. Polnep team, represented by Agus Kurniawan as the Head of the Team, also handed over 320 seeds of Silver Arowana to SMKN 01 Sungai Raya, represented by Dwi Satriya Wibawa. âWe highly hope this activity is able to give insights to SMKN 01 students regarding Silver Arowana business and encourage them to be serious in this business even after they graduate from the school,â Agus concluded.
(Translated by: Riszqie Naskiah Naâim)
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