Secretary General of Kemendikbudristek Inaugurates Polnep’s Structural Officials


by Riszqie Naskiah Naim 10 bulan yang lalu 0 comments 256 views

Secretary General of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) Ir. Suharti, M.A., Ph.D. officially inaugurated 4 structural officials of Pontianak State Polytechnic (Polnep). Inauguration and oath taking ceremony was held on Friday (3/11) at the Plaza Insan Berprestasi, Ki Hadjar Dewantara Building of Kemendikbudristek. The new officials were Hanizan, M.Pd. as the Head of Academic and Student Affairs Division; Sopianto, M.Si. as the Head of Finance and General Affairs Division; Heru Sidiktiasa, S.E. as the Head of Academic Affairs Sub-Division; and Syarifah Maylani Anggraini Almutahar, M.M. as the Head of General Affairs Sub-Division.  
In her remarks, Secretary General Suharti said to the audience that Kemdikbudristek carried big responsibility in the field of education and culture since the future of Indonesia depended on how advance those 2 fields along with research and technology were being developed and improved. “In 2024, our ministry will be on the final year of executing the 2020-2024 Medium-Term Development Plan which has been formulated into our ministry’s strategic plan that contains targets and output we must achieve,” she said.
Furthermore, she urged all parties to boost performance and conduct job rotation and promotion if it had to. She also expected the newly inaugurated officials to perform well in leading their sub-ordinates to give excellent public and administrative services to society.
At the end of her remarks, Secretary General Suharti once again congratulate Polnep’s new structural officials. “It is highly hoped that the new officials can well perform the duties in a responsible way, trustworthy, motivate and support others to boost performance and contribution for a better Polnep,” she concluded.

(Translated by: Riszqie Naskiah Na’im)

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